Thursday, April 30, 2009

Call Me an Idealist—I’m Honored

By Kellene Bishop Face it. You’ve no doubt heard yourself uttering, or at least thinking the words “the lesser of two evils” when it came to voting for a particular candidate. However, to put it simply, choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil. As members of His church who have covenanted to build up this kingdom and to protect it, we simply cannot settle for such mainstream thinking. We are not here in the last days to take it easy and bask in the abundance of technology and goods. We are here to preserve, protect, and to prepare for His coming. And yes, it is US that are here to do so, not our distant ancestors still to come, folks. In 1980, Ezra Taft Benson gave a talk at BYU in which he stated, “you students are a part of a choice young generation—a generation which might well witness the return of the Lord.” He went on to say, “It will be your responsibility not only to help to carry the kingdom to a triumph but to save your own soul and strive to save those of your family and to honor the principles of the inspired constitutions of the United Stated.”

So, are we responsible for choosing only that which is good for our country and our religion, or shall our hands be clean if we simply vote for the “lesser of two evils?”

In Alma 46, Captain Moroni shows us just how important it is that not only do we refuse to accept any degree of evil among us, but that we must also ensure it doesn’t live to infiltrate our lives in the future generations either. (See verses 29-35)

Still others, who are strongly rooted among us, would have us believe that a belief that “Right will reign if we but stand firmly for it” is idealistic, and as such is doomed for failure—especially in light of our prominent two party voting system. I’m certain that such a view point is perpetuated by the adversary. I’m convinced that the Lord’s way is not to advocate “that which isn’t most wicked” but rather to always stand for that which is truly right, that which will truly protect freedoms, and preserve our religion.

The nay sayers can call this being an idealist all they want, telling the world how an idealist never gets anywhere so they can/should simply moderate towards the centrist view. I firmly do not believe this. The attitude that “we simply can't afford to be idealistic” and that we need to moderate in order to get back to the Constitution is what got us here to begin with. Surely we have seen that those who hold the views which threaten our religion and our freedoms never moderate, ever. Have you not noticed that? They don’t. And they never sleep. The holders of these views even admit that they have extreme agendas. But then they watch as the typical Conservative movement gets all bent out of shape, then “they” back off from their original extreme agenda and accept a few baby-steps towards their original agenda. And so on it goes. Lather, rinse, repeat, until the adversary ends up with what he wanted all along. Perhaps it’s hard to stand boldly and courageously in the face of truly evil principles, because such principles are held by living, breathing human beings who we instinctively love and strive to nurture, not destroy. But stand we must, regardless of the face which breathes out these false principles.

Perhaps the tragedy in all of this is not that many have tried to make a difference and feel that they have failed in doing so, but more importantly, the disaster is that we who hold the truths actually give up in fighting against evil. We try so hard to resist evil that we forget that the strength is in persisting evil. Understandably our nemesis does not sleep, nor get distracted with families, television, church callings, or other intrusions on his efforts to thwart the Lords plan. But far too many Believers have given up. Where would we be today if people had held strong to their ideals and principles 70 years ago? 50 years ago? Even 20 years ago? I believe we would be in the midst of a far different nation, and even world.

It is because we have decided to abandon our principles for so long that we find ourselves in our current situation, not because we held to them too tightly before finding it didn't work exactly as we had planned. It is far too common that the Holders of Eternal Truths simply live their lives, hoping (or even assuming) that someone else will take the heat and tow the line, while the adversary works tirelessly for his cause, knowing that it is all dependent upon him to do so. It is because Believers have not stood by their principles that we are left wondering what principles are anymore, let alone which ones we should try to hold onto and which ones we should save to fight for another day.

If we are not willing to stand on our principles, how can we expect anyone else to? If we are willing to stand on our principles, why not NOW so that we can begin to affect change? The Savior will not do it for us. We are to make these changes for Him.

Do you simply believe that you are not leadership material? That somehow true leadership is somebody else's responsibility? What is it about standing for something right now that scares us so badly? Do we think we will lose an election by doing so?

Advocating a slower moving train towards Socialism/Communism is still advocating for such a repugnant government. We cannot fool ourselves into believing that someone who will give away ANY of our Constitutional freedoms may not be as bad as someone who confesses that they would give them all away. Raping and pillaging is a violation of another, regardless of the speed at which it comes. Worse, if we don't see the freedoms that we’ve lost up to this time, then we are truly blind to what has been going on in this nation for far too long.

Yes, holding to our principles and voting for better leadership than we have now will split the Conservative ticket and allow a puppet of the adversary to be elected, but it will also show other Believers that they, too, can hold strong to their principles and cast a better vote. The fight must begin with us, though the minority. We cannot wait until we are in the majority, because it will never happen, according to prophesy. In addition, as that movement grows, it will show the current leadership that there are those of us out here that stand for something and that we will no longer remain silent. It is when we refuse to lead out, be first, and stand strong that both dominant parties know they can move where they want to because there is no one that will hold them accountable. You’ve heard of gun-free zones, right? You’re aware that the last five “mass shootings” all took place in a noted “gun free zone,” right? Well, “the powers that be” prey upon “truth free zones.” That is where we find ourselves today. If we are honest with ourselves, we have to admit that continuing to cast a vote for the lesser of two evils hasn't worked out real well for us thus far, and that this simple, but stubborn fact isn't likely to change in the future either.

How well did abandoning our principles and moderating the Republican Party work for us in the last election? How well did abandoning our principles stop WRONG from being elected last election, and how well were we able to stop the last Presidency from destroying liberties faster than we were able to stop them? Americans are justifiably fatigued with voting for the lesser of two evils and getting government leaders like we've had and have. They're waiting for someone else to take a stand, someone to rally around. Why can't that be you? Frankly, it should be all of us.

I promise from this day forward that I will never vote for the lesser of two evils again. If that puts me squarely in the camp of "useless idealist" then so be it, but I am responsible for my votes and actions to a Heavenly Father that expects more of me than that. Again, I implore you to read H. Verlan Anderson's "Many Are Called But Few Are Chosen" ( before entertaining a thought process which attempts to address the lesser of two evils. It’s not an A or B vote, folks. It should always be the Lord’s vote.

While some may claim it to be idealistic, it is also according to the Lord's commandments that we seek good and honorable men for our leaders. If choices are not available before us, then we must step up to provide such a choice, just as Joseph Smith did. The ONLY reason why he ran for President of the United States was to preserve our religious and Constitutional rights. (See Teachings of Joseph Smith pages 331-334) He even goes so far as to say, “if I lose my life in a good cause I am willing to be sacrificed on the altar of virtue, righteousness and truth in maintaining the laws and Constitution of the United States, if need be, for the general good of mankind.”

The problem of giving up our “idealistic” cause in response to the dominance of the current two-party system is akin to thinking, "Well, kids are going to have sex anyway, so let's at least provide them a condom and teach them how to have sex safely." Clearly that doesn’t work for us and violates what we know to be right. It is this mentality that causes our actions, even when shooting for best, to do nothing more than hand the victory to the other side. Some have even gone so far as to rationalize “let's get closer to the other side so that we can get votes from both sides.” This certainly is a faulty strategy. Even as an accomplished and skilled warrior as well as a righteous man that Teancum was, he was victorious over his enemies until he shunned the protection of the Lord by going “forth in his anger.”

Either we stand on principle, or we admit that our principles can be bought. Which is it for you? “Let's elect someone that takes us down the road of Socialism slower, yeah, that will be better for us, but, hey, at least we won the election.” Nope. We will never win with such thinking. The adversary will always win in this case by convincing us that voting for the lesser of two evils was much better than voting our true conscience, which is what the Lord asks and requires of us as citizens entrusted with a great nation and great, though lessening, liberties.

Prayerfully read the scripture for guidance on these matters. Then read the published political platform of which you support. Ask yourself if this platform truly ensures freedom for all men, and the liberties as the Lord had intended. Unfortunately, I assure you that neither of the predominant platforms will reflect His Gospel. So you need to ask yourself, “if not this, then what?” I pray that you will find guidance and sure direction in exploring this question.

May we also covenant as did Moroni: “Behold, whosever will maintain this title upon the land, let them come forth in the strength of the Lord, and enter into a covenant that they will maintain their rights, and their religion, that the Lord God may bless them.” (Alma 46:20)

In parting, let me say this: In the war in heaven there was a group of Communists (roughly a third) that wanted to be forced back into the presence of Heavenly Father. There were a group of Constitutionalists (roughly a third) that were willing to accept complete liberty and freedom to take on the responsibility for their own actions and then rely on the Lord to make up the difference. And then there was a group of fence sitting, middle of the road, let's-play-nice-with-everyone-so-we-don't-tick-anyone-off-so-everyone-will-like-everyone, just-a-little-bit-of-both-sides-is-good-for-me, I-just-want-to-be-on-the-winning-team-regardless-of-who-it-is "voters" (roughly a third) that were willing to give up a little liberty to get a little security. Which one are you?

The Lord claimed the Constitution as a work provided by inspiration at his hand through men he raised up for this very purpose (compare its ideals to those given by Christ in the war in heaven). In response, Satan came up with the Communist Manifesto (compare its ideals to those given by Satan in the war in heaven), but he doesn't care if we accept it wholeheartedly right now as long as we're moving towards it, however slowly that may be. Any move away from the Lord's plan towards Satan's plan is unacceptable.

As for me, I'll take the Constitution coupled with the Gospel.

What type of tyranny would you like served today? And would you like fries with that?

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved.
You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Swine Flu and Universal Health Care Agenda

It’s an enormous blessing that Obama’s health care plan has not been put into play here as of yet. In Mexico, where the majority of the Swine flu cases in the world have been located, (over 2,400 at last count) the woman who may have been one of the key first cases to contract the deadly virus was unable to obtain appropriate health care. She saw several doctors, prior to getting any treatment and being properly diagnosed.

If you aren’t aware, Mexico has what they call a “universal healthcare” program for those who are employed full time. Mexico has a shortage of doctors for their plan, and yet it was put into play in 2003 with full knowledge of such a shortage and no plans to resolve the shortage. Hmmm. The U.S. does not have a sufficient number of doctors to handle a “universal” plan either, yet Obama and his puppeteers push for it nonetheless. In fact, Obama has gone so far as to use this potential epidemic as a propelling force to move his universal health plan through Congress at lightening speed. Of course! That fits this administrations motto of “never let a good crisis go to waste.” Good grief!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Aliens Attack the U.S.

By Kellene Bishop

In view of Obama’s pick for U.S. Regulatory Czar, I have truly been converted today to the reality of aliens from outer space. I say this because I have no earthly idea where a person would come up with such alien statements and beliefs as this person does. Because the Sunstein Doctrine is so completely foreign to the substance and culture of this nation, it clearly demonstrates proof that Obama is pursuing his own agenda and not that of the American people. I am 100% certain that this guy’s beliefs are indeed foreign.

Introducing Cass Sunstein, the nominee to head the White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. This name accompanied by his bloodcurdling doctrine should cause you to shudder. The fact that he would rape and pillage the first five Constitutional Amendments is only the tip of the iceberg. Read on to see this freak of nature at his best.

In 2007, during a speech given at Harvard, Sunstein proposed that hunting be banned throughout the United States. Ok, I can try to give him credit for wanting to save the lives of the hunting partners of Dick Cheney, but unfortunately his mutant beliefs only get more far fetched from here.

He believes that the internet is “anti-Democratic” because users can filter out any objectionable material. As such he believes that the required use of technology by all citizens is necessary to ensure that a site contains “fair and balanced” information and that such a requirement should be put into play as soon as possible. Does this mean that every site that communicates sound Christian values should also be required to communicate the thoughts and opinions of Satanic cults? Does this mean if a site displays a picture of a virtuous woman that that same site must give the viewer access to porn as well? And yes, Sunstein has gone so far as to declare that non-profit groups should be required to publish counter positions to theirs on their own websites. That’s right. If Mother Teresa had a web site, she would be required to provide information on Hitler as well.

He also believes that we should be required to use software which would prevent anyone from sending an e-mail in which the SOFTWARE determines holds “uncivil” comments. Awww. Ain’t that cute? These poor little defenseless politicians must have had their feelings hurt by all that was said during the Tea Parties. They need a software program to protect them from hearing any dissenting opinions. He proposes that this software double-ask the sender if they really want to send an “uncivil” e-mail message. And if they do, then the e-mail must be filed away for 24 hours for a mandatory cooling off period. Oh I get it. The First Amendment gives free speech, but only if it’s not offensive to anyone. Right.

In his book “Radical to Robes” Sunstein writes that he believes that all gun control legislation is constitutionally congruent. He believes that the U.S. Supreme court “got it wrong” in determining that the 2nd Amendment right to keep and bear arms applies to individuals.

Ok, here’s a real loony one. In his 2004 book entitled “Animal Rights” he wrote that he believed that “Animals should be permitted to bring suit, with human beings as their representatives …" Holy cow! (pun intended) I’m all about protecting animals, but providing them with a public defender at the expense of tax dollars is laughable! If you hurt my dogs, I will indeed defend them, but where will it stop? We already have an over burgeoning court system. Criminals get off for murder of a human being? What additional justice are we to expect when a person sends an uncivil e-mail to Mickey Mouse? Are the lawyers not making enough money? Do they need to start chasing Fido rather than ambulances? Where does the U.S. Constitution stand on giving animals the same rights as humans? Oh yeah. It doesn’t. And besides, how can we expect to preserve and protect the Constitutional rights of animals when we are proving ourselves incapable or unwilling to preserve and protect the rights of legal, law-abiding American citizens? If you give animals constitutional rights, then you must give them consequences as well. Will we expect law enforcement to release Shack, the vicious Pit Bull because he wasn’t read his Miranda Rights?

To me, here is the most horrific aspect of all of this. Read what Obama thinks of this individual, specifically in relation to his ability to uphold the Constitutional rights and freedoms of our citizens: “As one of America's leading constitutional scholars, Cass Sunstein has distinguished himself in a range of fields, including administrative law and policy, environmental law, and behavioral economics," said Obama at his nomination of his regulatory czar. "He is uniquely qualified to lead my administration's regulatory reform agenda at this crucial stage in our history. Cass is not only a valued adviser, he is a dear friend and I am proud to have him on my team." I have no doubt that he is a dear friend of Obama’s based on this information. However, it’s clear that Sunstein knows about as much about the constitution as Anderson Cooper and Janeane Garofalo know about civility.

To completely prove my case of this alien-born, anti-Christ, Sunstein states “limitless individual choices, with respect to communications, is not necessarily in the interest of citizenship and self-government.” Yup. We’re just dumb human beings incapable of making the “right” choice if we are presented with so many choices. You’re right Sunstein. Americans simply have too many choices, and as such we’re certainly making the wrong decisions. But I ask you, why stop at the internet, Sunstein? Why not reel in those villainous makers of feminine products as well? Slim, mini, super, extra super, pink, blue, white, mega, etc. How is a sane person to choose? I find the vast amount of tampons for women completely overwhelming and sending my poor husband out to retrieve the proper box could result in a 3rd World War. I’m sure limiting our choices between good, bad, evil, and truly in our best interests was exactly what the Founding Father feared in declaring ultimate freedom from an oppressed government. Too bad they didn’t declare freedom from beings from Mars as well. I’d feel a lot safer now.

I think the best science fiction writers of our time will find merit in the Sunstein Doctrine. After all, it will provide great fodder for their story lines. What’s the saying? “Truth is stranger than fiction.” We might as well prepare ourselves for the same kind of alien invasion represented in the Will Smith movie, “Independence Day”, if we are to tolerate a man in such a controlling a position as this.

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved.
You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Baptist Pastor vs. Border Patrol

By Kellene Bishop

This video of Steve Anderson is just over 8 minutes long. The contents of it are disturbing to me from a standpoint of freedom, but even more disturbing to me are the comments of ignorant fools in response to this video. Lest any more of you should grossly err in your judgment of this situation, allow me to enlighten you.

The time to stand up for your rights is ANY and EVERY time they are being violated.

One person on YouTube commented that this person should not have “taken the law into his own hands.” Sorry folks. The law is FOR the people, not issued in hopes that power-drunken agents such as these will honor it. It is for ALL of the people. It is your DUTY to know what the laws are and push back. For too long the overwhelming majority has been apathetic to their rights under the laws, and this is exactly why such atrocities of law have occurred in this situation. Do you naively believe that only the military is empowered to support and sustain our Constitutional rights? How is that fair that our soldiers have to lose their lives to defend our freedoms, but every citizen in this country doesn’t have to do their part as well? As insignificant as this act may seem to others in the nation, in my opinion there is virtue and righteousness in affirming our rights under all circumstances.

Another ignoramus commented that “from what he was able to find out, this guy isn’t a very good person.” Others accused him of being a “know-it-all” and a pompous @$$, etc. Guess what, folks? The rights of the U.S. Constitution are ensured for all people, including someone who may come across to some as a jerk. That’s why some personalities are permitted to grace your television sets and radio stations. There is no U.S. law which states you must comply nicely when your rights are or are not being violated. There is no requirement that you speak softly, etc. So whether you support the personality traits of this person is completely unimportant. As an American, his rights are his rights regardless.

As the result of his FIRST Amendment right (which is not a coincidence that such a right is in the first position of all outlined rights in our Constitution) this individual has the right to free speech. Thus anything he may have said which would make a person angry is unacceptable grounds for the actions of these so-called agents.

Several foolish posters commented that “all this guy had to do was answer the questions.” Again. They are wrong. If a police officer comes to your door and begins asking you questions, you are under NO obligation to answer such questions. Answering questions by law enforcement is not a requirement. In fact, in accordance to the Fifth Amendment, we have the right to not say ANYTHING which may incriminate us. Even the Miranda Rights reaffirm such. Not answering questions does not negate any of your other rights under the U.S. Constitution.

Another fool posted a supposition that Congress has granted the Border Patrol broad authority of search and seizures. Guess what. I don’t care if the President himself gave the Border Patrol agents permission to behave this way, it’s illegal! Pure and simple. No law can be passed in this country which is at odds with the U.S. Constitution. The only way that this act could be made “legal” is if there was a Constitutional Amendment fully ratified. Congress also recently passed an enormous bill without even reading it. Does that make it right or legal? No. It’s malpractice. And such a foolish comment flies in the face of all of those who have died so that we may now possess those rights. Until I see a Congressman who will pay the “uttermost farthing” to protect my rights as did our Founding Fathers, then such a Congressman does not receive any honorable attentions from me. Too many of our Americans today are sheep. They feel that simply because the President declares something, or the Congressmen say it and then sign it, that it’s law. Sorry folks. All laws MUST be in alignment with the U.S. Constitution. New laws can specify, clarify, and even give consequences for violating the laws and rights of the U.S. Constitution, but they cannot circumvent or violate them.

Then there are the masses of individuals who would judge this person because he’s a Baptist Pastor. He’s accused of being difficult by being non-compliant. Boy howdy am I ever GRATEFUL for my non-compliant Founding Fathers, as well as my non-compliant Savior who did NOT “save” the Jews based on their short-sighted expectations and demands. Too many individuals wrongly presume that as a Baptist pastor, he should be a mouse and comply. Sorry, you’d be wrong again to presume such. This guy did not spew foul language at these agents. He did not “get in the way” of their tazers and metal batons. These “agents” made a choice to act in the manner in which they did. As such, Jesus would condemn them, not the person upon whom they acted. It’s alarming to me just how many folks believe that standing up for your Constitutional rights is an act of deviance in the Christian world—especially in light of the fact that God inspired the men who served as our Founding Fathers of this nation. God is fully invested in our rights being upheld in this nation.

The fact that the dog was brought into this as grounds for the search is laughable as well, since the Fourth Amendment requires that probable cause be established by “oath or affirmation.” Clearly Fido didn’t say anything. He was merely used as a pawn for their designs. Isn’t it ironic that law ENFORCEMENT officials don’t care much for a person who actually helps them understand the laws of which they are to enforce? Case in point, if a 31-year-old man has sex with a 14-year-old girl, even if it’s consensual, it’s illegal. Coinciding with that, even if the American people are willing to have their rights raped and pillaged “consensually” it’s still illegal and in direct violation of our Bill of Rights. Even honest citizens with nothing to hide are violated whenever we consent to the erosion of our rights and liberty.

Another aspect of this incident is the excessive force. Hmmm… how many drug traffickers have made it across the border without their windows bashed in, or having been cut, tazed, and battered? Even if this guy WAS a drug dealer, they are NOT permitted to treat him as such. That’s right. Even if he was verbally belligerent, had a couple of kids and some drugs in the back of the car, the Border Patrol are not permitted to handle the situation the way they did. This constitutes “unreasonable search.” But hey, it’s not unreasonable seizure because they found NOTHING. (Although, due to the damage they inflicted on the vehicle, they did in fact illegally “seize” this man’s car.)

This person is rumored to have had a “run-in” with Border Patrol previously in which he also refused to answer their questions. However, posting a video on YouTube complaining about your previous treatment with Border Patrol does not give an “agent” free reign to violate your Constitutional rights. Plain and simple, Folks.

While it may take a while to get this all sorted out, anytime a person legally defends their rights of this nation, they have my wholehearted support. I may not agree with their personality traits, their religion, or their other beliefs, but they are indeed correct in asserting those rights.

Bottom line, if you will not stand up for the Constitution, who will?

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved.
You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Tea Party USA—The Story is the Story

Over 2,000 tea parties were held throughout the U.S. on April 15, over 700 of them in major cities. By all estimates there were overwhelming numbers of attendees at these events, highlighting it as a marked moment in history. Even in light of all of the other movements (such as the Vietnam War, civil rights, women’s right to vote, etc.) which have all notably marked our history, this is the first time that everyday citizens have rallied in such record numbers. Even more significant is that the majority of those who attended these Tea Parties had never attended a rally previously. That’s right. These were not paid ACLU or ACORN advocates orchestrating a fake grassroots movement. These were everyday Americans, leaving the comfort of their security, even some taking time off from work, to finally let their voices be heard. Thousands came out in spite of severe inclement weather. But that’s not the story. The story is the story.

On April 15th and all day yesterday, no major newspaper or mainstream news station (non-cable) covered this story with any more time or emphasis than they would have a basement flooding in a person’s home. Network news didn’t cover it, except that NBC personally, on a 3rd grade level, attacked the folks who showed up for such events. Not so surprising was CNN represented by a female reporter who was blatantly prosecutorial throughout the course of her “interviewing” of Tea Party attendees. THIS was the story in spite of the fact that this act of so many, even novices, gathering in protest of their government was a truly historical day.

And yet how were the acts of these modern-day Patriots portrayed? With scoffs, and “intellectual” scorns. Their intelligence was insulted. Their education was questioned. Even their virtue and parental capabilities were slandered. Not by a few, but by the mainstream media. Does anybody wonder why an “Us vs. Them” mentality has begun to manifest itself in our America? Better yet, does anyone wonder why newspapers are now begging for a bailout? Pelosi has the audacity to call these historical efforts “astroturf” contrived by the wealthy. Really? Raise your hand if you were compensated one penny to protest at a Tea Party. Better yet, raise your hand if it actually COST you money to be there.

As honest, law-abiding, tax-paying citizens took to the streets to make their rationale voices heard, the cowardly sheep stayed at work on their computers posting anonymous comments as to the caliber of the individuals doing so. One person commented on the “lack of education” of those who would take such proactive actions. I ask you—you, who cowers in your cubicle to mock those who stand—just how much education does one need in order to understand that they are being raped and pillaged? They don’t need to have an understanding of the constitution to know that they’ve got more bills than they have money right now. They don’t need a PhD to understand that they’ve been laid off of their jobs. And are you aware, Oh Stupid One, that the majority of the millions of Americans who laid the groundwork of this United States only had the education equivalent of our present fourth grade level?

Was the Boston Tea Party of 1773 merely “astroturf,” Pelosi? In my patriotic, fed up opinion, those who would deride the genuine efforts of April 15th are indeed the enemy of our freedoms. Regardless of what position they hold, what power they wield, or how much money they make, they are the no different than those who opposed the original Boston Tea Party of 1773, favoring instead the mythical power and influence of the tyrannical King George.

Remember this—Tyrants and Traitors of Our Freedom—when the day comes that you find yourself void of the freedoms which you’ve come to take for granted, yea, even that day when the very freedom which permits you to mock and scorn in the name of journalism is eliminated, don’t ask me to defend you, for I will truly “know you not.” Instead I will be focused and fighting solely for those who have a deep-seeded virtue of Freedom within them.

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved.
You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

“The Coming Revolution”

About a week ago I was reading the blog of a good friend of mine and felt that his message was very appropriate to share with the readers. This is not of my talents, but completely of his.)

The Coming Revolution By Andrew Teasdale

Brigham Young said the following: “Will the Constitution be destroyed? No; it will be held inviolate by this people; and, as Joseph Smith said, ‘The time will come when the Constitution of this nation will hang upon a single thread. At that critical juncture, this people will step forth and save it from the threatened destruction.’ It will be so.” (July 4, 1854, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, p. 15)

As I’ve become more “aware” (maybe “awake”) over the past dozen years or so, I’ve reflected on this statement. Recently, within the past couple of weeks, I’ve come to a troubling conclusion. I’d like to share some of the key steps in this journey.

First, the current and past few US presidents have had little, if any, regard for the Constitution. My ‘awareness’ really flourished during the reign of Bush the Lesser. He launched wars in Iraq and Afghanistan without Congressional approval – a Constitutional requirement for waging war. He stamped on many other Constitutional safeguards. Perhaps the most troubling was his establishment of his own Praetorian Guard. US Army troops are now assigned to operate within the bounds of these United States (stationed in my backyard at Ft. Knox, KY). The list goes on and on of how Bush trampled the Constitution. I don’t need or want to go through the awful details here.

Bush’s successor, Obama the Beneficent has, in his disregard for the Constitution, put his predecessor to shame. General Motors has become Government Motors and Obama the Omniscient has determined that Mr. Wagoner is not the man to lead GM. I don’t see where the Constitution grants the Executive Branch the authority to do this! Perhaps the most (and it’s stiff competition) insidious recent event (i.e., of these first 100 days) is the passage of the GIVE act. This act, co-sponsored by our very own Hatch the Giving, is, certainly not the first, but a huge step toward enslavement.

Just a quick note. Why, you may be asking, all the “Obama the Beneficent” type references? It’s an oblique reference to Alexis de Tocqueville’s essay, “What sort of despotism democratic nations have to fear.” It’s not too long. Google it and have a read. See if you don’t find him a prophet of sorts. But I digress…

Back to the first point. Really, it’s this. I think the Constitution is hanging by a thread. Now. Already. Right now. There’s just a thread. The Executive branch is doing whatever it wants and it has the pieces in place to cut any remaining threads at the next ‘crisis.’
You might not be there with me on this one. You might argue that there are a couple of threads. We still have free speech and the right to bear arms. OK. I’ll grant you that. However, if they can be removed at the next crisis (when you’d really need them), do you really have them?
So, for the sake of the rest of my argument, go with me for a minute that the Constitution is hanging by a thread right now.

All this happened while we (the LDS people) had well-placed government officials “on the watchtower” (so to speak). These are people who could have warned us, perhaps by providing additional information to the obvious things we can see by reading the published reports. The senator from Nevada, Hatch the Giving, and several others. They could have been sounding the warning bell – and even fighting for the Constitution. But, they have not. They have contributed to the Constitution’s downfall (perhaps the one point of promise is Chaffetz the Frugal (rumor has it he’s concerned enough about prudent use of taxpayer funds that he sleeps in his office to cut down on costs)). They voted for and promoted (Reid) the robberies (er, “Bailouts.” Note it isn’t ‘theft,’ that’s what happens when you aren’t watching. Robbery is when it’s done by force – and this was certainly done by force) and the enslavement (Hatch’s GIVE act).

I could go on here as well. However, the point is that our best placed Constitution defenders are taking it down, not rescuing it.

To review: The Constitution is hanging by a thread. The people we’d hope to be working on saving it aren’t.

Then last week I started thinking – and here’s the conclusion. The federal government isn’t going to give up its power. The only way ‘this people’ will save the Constitution is by force – by revolution. I remember reading this statement by LDS Church president Ezra Benson, “To all who have discerning eyes, it is apparent that the republican form of government established by our noble forefathers cannot long endure once fundamental principles are abandoned. Momentum is gathering for another conflict—a repetition of the crisis of two hundred years ago.” (The Constitution: A Heavenly Banner. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1986, p. 27)
Obama the Beneficent will not heed a call to return to Constitutional principles. Nor will his successor, even if it is Mitt the Merciful. By the time Obama is finished, we’ll have the US version of the Hitler Youth in place (again, see the recently passed GIVE act) as well as, it is certain, a host of other acts in place limiting our 1st, 2nd, (continue the series all the way to 10) amendment freedoms.

I’m not sure who will be behind the revolution. I suspect members of the LDS Church may expect that Church leaders would lead the charge. Maybe. Maybe not. Consider this from Ezra Benson, “Maybe the Lord will never set up a specific Church program for the purpose of saving the Constitution. Perhaps if he set up one at this time it might split the Church asunder, and perhaps he does not want that to happen yet, for not all the wheat and tares are fully ripe.” (“Not Commanded in All Things.” - Conference address April 5, 1965. Please, read the talk in full.). There are people I know, in whom the light of freedom burns so brightly, who will not be able to sit idly by watching the march toward tyranny. They may be part of that revolution.

I may live to see it. My children certainly will. People are talking about it.

I don’t like reading what I’ve written. Do I have it wrong? Is there a way to reverse the tide? Without blood? I wish. I hope. I pray. But not in faith.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The U.S. Constitution—An Inconvenient Document

By Kellene Bishop

Our U.S. Constitution. When I hear those words I swell up with pride and a sense of reverenced awe to realize that men from such diverse backgrounds and beliefs could have come up with such an inspired document. Yes, it is not perfect in light of the many unprecedented ails that our country experiences today, but I firmly believe that it is a heavenly inspired document. Just as the parting of the Red Sea, so did God cut through the clutter of biases, prejudices, and paradigms of those rather ordinary men to come together and create a guiding document that attempted to express and ensure universal fairness and a nation of true freedom. Sadly, today that document is condemned by the very persons who take an oath to uphold it as irrelevant, archaic, and outdated.

Many believe that to recognize our nation as unique is narcissistic and prideful. It simply is not. The fact that our nation was founded on the principles of true freedom—to act according to our own conscience so long as such actions did not tread on the freedoms of others—was based on the recognition of the true value of human life. As such this nation was indeed the first and still is the most unique nation in the world. No other nation has ever attempted to convey such freedoms to its citizens. No other nation has ever believed enough in its citizens to acknowledge that such freedoms even belonged to its citizens. The United States of America attempted to do that which had never been done before; to believe that a people would choose good over bad if permitted to make decisions for themselves, and as such to prosper in the pursuit of life, liberty, the pursuit of property, and happiness. This belief was so fundamental to the birth of our nation that the millions of those who toiled and plowed for such a standard gave their lives in the selfless sacrifice of time, money, and even blood to seal their belief of such a notion.

Have the history books ever mentioned any other document which has inspired such consistent goodness, sacrifice, and virtue before which influenced so many? When it was first created, was there evidence of any evil intent to have tyrannical power of the people of this nation? Even if the Constitution had conveyed a desire for power over the people at the time, it could not be enforced upon a people who were passionately ready for the responsibilities of freedom. They could fathom nothing less at that time and they would accept nothing less.

Today however, many attempt to dismiss the merits of the Constitution, not because its doctrines are faulty, but because such doctrines are seriously inconvenient to the duplicitous and tyrannical desires of those who are expected to uphold it.

For example, it wasn’t convenient for President G. W. Bush to wait until “probable cause” was evident prior to him taking down a suspected terrorist. So he simply created various acts to eliminate such needs so long as the government agents were willing to “claim” that their investigations “may” benefit the results of a terrorist investigation.

The government was greatly inconvenienced by not being able to spend as much as they wanted to. And according to the Constitution’s requirement of taxation WITH proper representation they were handcuffed. So, “inconvenience be damned”, they claimed to have ratified an amendment that enabled them to tax the citizens of this nation egregiously. (They never did ratify such an amendment, but they sure do like to pretend they did in hopes that we won’t pick up on it.)

Certain political parties are shackled with the merits of the 1st Amendment of the Constitution, so they seek to create another bill, ironically called the “Fairness Doctrine” in an effort to eliminate those who would dare express any opposing views of the government with any semblance of influence.

And so it continues…

Unfortunately, the people as a whole are starting to get wise. Their freedoms are starting to be seriously inconvenienced by a government that was supposed to working FOR them for no other purpose than to uphold and protect the U.S. Constitution. Essentially, this inconvenient document is the ONLY thing that ensures our government officials even have a job! So the only way they can get around this is to attempt, with the help of the complacent media, to appropriately color that which is good, bad, and that which is truly bad, good. They are attempting to usurp the foundations of this country by completely ignoring the laws of the Constitution. Our government officials are also looking to other nations in hopes to uphold their decisions based on the improper popular decisions of foreign nations who never entertained our value system. (That’s like a doctor wanting to get surgical advice from a mortician.) “Well, the French courts ruled this way, so let’s try that,” or, “The U.N. seems to think like this, so let’s do that.”

Sadly, the U.S. Constitution has clearly become inconvenient to those who value freedom as well. We work all day, everyday to pay our taxes so that those we’ve elected to office take care of ensuring such freedoms, only to find that these stewards of the people have been asleep on the job. And they’ve slept through some of the most critical legislation in the history of our nation, to the point that they couldn’t even be bothered to read most of this legislation. So now, not only do we have to work to pay our government to do their jobs and provide for our own families, we have to take what precious time we have left to make our voices heard, let them know that we are indeed monitoring them, and in some instances, even doing their job for them. (see CNN article here) Talk about an inconvenience, right?

This nation was indeed founded on that which is good. It IS indeed unique—unique in that we were formed for the purpose of giving true freedom to the people, and empower the people to hire government officials to work for them to aid in ensuring such freedoms are upheld. I agree, it isn’t convenient to have to make decisions for ourselves and not have everything dictated to us. And it’s not convenient to have to take time to get educated about issues and candidates. But it’s our freedom to do so just as much as it’s our freedom to fail in doing so. While the constitution may be an inconvenient document for both good and evil causes, only a proactive inconvenience will ensure that it stands for that which we truly want. Freedom.

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved.
You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Authority Granted to International "Advisory" Board over US Companies

Let’s start right off by getting to the crux of the matter. I can not say it any plainer than this. Obama has given an international advisory board authority to dictate processes and procedures to ALL “major” U.S. companies, including banks, brokerage firms, and corporations. This event just took place at the G20 Summit in London with the full approval and endorsement from our “commander in chief.”

Perhaps some of you aren’t comfortable in your understanding of the Declaration of Independence. Thus fully comprehending how egregious such an act is by ANY American leader, let alone our U.S. President, may be challenging. So I’ll recap just one small portion of the Declaration of Independence for those of us who may need a refresher.

In part of their many accusations of the King of Great Britain, the Founding Fathers declared, “He has combined with others to subject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation:” The Declaration goes on to itemize several different ways the King committed these atrocities including, “For suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with Power to legislates for us in all Cases whatsoever.” Further the signers of the Declaration loudly proclaimed, “That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be, FREE AND INDEPENDENT STATES;” Additionally, our Founding Fathers declared on behalf of all American citizens, the sovereignty of the United States of America from all other international powers or authorities (Sovereignty means autonomous, freedom from external control). Understanding these points will help you realize the magnitude of this national crisis which has just recently occurred.

In London, at the G20 Summit President Obama made an official declaration to treat such sovereignty as non-existent! This is really serious stuff, folks. He has endorsed and agreed to be subject to an INTERNATIONAL advisory board. This board is to have power over U.S. banking systems, brokerages firms, and even corporations—including automotive companies. This global regulator, known as The Financial Stability Board, now has authority to oversee operations of these entities to determine financial risks. In addition, they have the authority to set policies in these corporations, including compensation packages. This means that this private boards of directors will be authorized to examine companies and decide what to pay top executives and senior managers. Access of this international authority will now make global regulations regarding any practice by any banking, brokerage or business by a major U.S. corporation. And the Financial Stability Board, on its own authority, will determine what is or is not unduly risky.

While many have reason to be seriously concerned with our “own” Federal Reserve making loans to banks and corporations due to the sweeping power that such loans give our government and the Federal Reserve, imagine now what will undoubtedly occur when the IMF is put in charge of giving loans to these exact same U.S. companies. This is yet one more step towards us losing our nation and having it swallowed up in a Godless Global Tyrannical Government. Think I’m exaggerating? This new agreement gives IMF (International Monetary Fund), in concert with The Financial Stability Board, the ability to become global regulators over the ENTIRE corporate world. Their power will SUPERSEDE all U.S. governmental authorities, including the Federal Reserve, the U.S. Treasury, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and a host of corporate regulators, including the U.S. Department of Commerce and the U.S. Department of Labor. This is clearly one more step towards a global currency, which brings with it global power, and an abolishment of any republic. The U.S. will be a part of this board but with only ONE vote. Additionally, there is absolutely no appeal procedure specified by the G20 in the event that any determination by the board is contested as incorrect or unfounded. What this means folks, is that this could begin “just” as a global regulatory board, but could quickly move into any other authority it deems fit without any recourse but war.

Are you concerned yet? Tough. This isn’t a proposed bill before any of our legislative branches. There aren’t any hotlines to call and express our disgust with the President’s decision. This is simply how it is. In spite of the fact that he has taken an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution he’s subjected our nation to international law. The President of the United States has spoken on behalf of ALL of our businesses, all of our citizens, in agreeing to this proposal at the Summit. It’s a done deal folks. The ONLY thing we can do is to make perfectly clear our disgust for his actions. And as harsh as it may sound, this message of disapproval may only get through if the president is impeached. While this may sound quite radical to some, ask yourself, how much further does he have to go, how many more mistakes must he make, how many more freedoms must be trampled before such impeachment actions are justified?

I implore you to read the U.S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence – prayerfully. I implore you to make your personal prayers, the lessons in the scriptures, and these inspired documents as the guiding influence on your decision as to when enough is truly enough, and what should YOU do about it. I certainly never thought I’d be writing these words, but then again, I never thought that our country would be sold away in the manner it has for so long. President Marion G. Romney said, “While it is more difficult to live the truth, such as standing for free agency, some of us may in the not too distant future be required to die for truth. But the best preparation for eternal life is to be prepared at all times to die—fully prepared by a valiant fight for the right.” (First Presidency Message, Ensign, October 1983)

May we prayerfully decide what must be done, and then may we be blessed with His strength to do so, and not allow such heavenly instructions fizzle with the first sign of challenge to our resolve.

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved.You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

Monday, April 6, 2009

In the Name of National Security

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Every U.S. President has taken this oath with their hand on the Holy Bible. The oath, as you can see is short and sweet and is primarily concerned solely with the President’s endeavor to preserve, protect, and defend the U.S. Constitution. Then why have the Presidents of recent past done so much to abandon the Constitution and rip to shreds the protections and rights that such Constitution affords Americans?

Nowhere in the U.S. Constitution will you find an exception to the enforcement of these Amendments. Nowhere does it say that the Bill of Rights is in effect, except if we are suffering the threat of economic collapse, attacked by terrorists, or it’s believed to be politically expedient to ignore these rights. And yet in the name of these very issues our rights have been trampled and disregarded by the very officials that we have put our trust and faith in to uphold them!

The most abused rights we’ve suffered as Americans are protected under the First and Fourth Amendments. Among other rights, the 1st Amendment protects our freedom of speech, religion, and the ability to petition our government for redress of grievances.

The 4th Amendment offers us protection against threats against our security in our homes and elsewhere and specifically protects us against unreasonable search and seizures.

Yet, as Americans, we have failed to put up any resistance to such blatant disregard for these rights.

To so-called Patriot Act has exposed all Americans to unreasonable search and seizure, a stay of habeas corpus, and the absence of “probable cause.” (See While you may think that this is perfectly acceptable treatment of a known terrorist, consider the ramifications of this abuse of power being inflicted upon you, your family, or your loved ones. If it can be used on your enemies unjustly, it can be used on you. If we cannot uphold the laws of America among our enemies, then for what purpose do these laws exist?

Obama is now secretly attempting to pass legislation that will permit government agents to tap into your personal computers at will. (See Guess the PC is no longer “personal.” No probable cause is necessary. No evidence. It’s soon to be legalized voyeurism now, folks.

When you are issued a “National Security Letter” you are not permitted to tell anyone about it, even your own attorney, in an effort to right any injustice that may be incurred by the issuance of such a letter. That’s right. You aren’t allowed any legal protection. It’s just you against the government in that case.

If you are labeled (justly or not) by the executive branch or one of the military tribunals as a “terrorist” or an “enemy combatant”, your Fourth Amendment rights are ignored perpetually without any evidence against you. If someone in power has an ax to grind against you, they can make your life miserable simply by putting you on a list of “suspected terrorists.” Think the government doesn’t make mistakes in this regard? Think again.

The so-called Transportation Security Administration is permitted to search you simply because of how you look, talk, or because you just so happen to be the “lucky number of the day.” And in a blatant violation of the Fifth Amendment, the TSA can unconstitutionally seize your property without due process of law or compensating you justly. Yet, millions of Americans tolerate this human rights violation every single day, sometimes many times a day to the same person, all because someone attacked our cities. It’s interesting to note that it was during a time of real war within the United States that such rights for protection were being spelled out by our Founding Fathers. A real war still did not deter them from sanctioning the value of human rights in all cases.

The simple flash of a camera on a freeway or at a city intersection automatically constitutes your guilt of the infraction of a traffic law, in spite of the fact that you are entitled to due process of law. They take your picture, you are issued a citation, and regardless of the extreme cost you may have to incur correcting such a wrong, you are guilty until proven innocent. Should you ignore such unconstitutional actions, a warrant is issued against you, in violation of the Fourth Amendment. In such instances and contrary to the Constitution, the burden is now on you to prove your innocence. (Note: Despite the fact that the UK has more surveillance cameras than any other country, the 2005 subway bombing was not stopped or thwarted in any manner.)

In spite of your right to properly defend yourself in a court of law against your accusers, the courts have sided with the government on countless occasions in preventing you from seeing their case against you, all in the name of “national security.” In other words, when an affidavit from a government official, void of any evidence or details, is sufficient to support their claim that divulging their evidence against you may compromise the security of our nation, then you can be tried and found guilty of their accusations without even knowing what you’re fighting against. Ironically, it is the ability of the government to abuse this sacred privilege that truly compromises the security of our nation.

Countless “Executive Orders” have been put into place which clearly trample our sacred rights under the Constitution, yet none have held the Presidents responsible. Why do we allow this to continue? Are there any willing to stand up and boldly state, “No, Mr. President, we will not allow you to continue to abandon our Constitutional Amendment Rights under any circumstances and corrupt our peace and security in our homes.”

Understand that these rights are not given to us by man. They are UNALIENABLE, and given to us by God. Man has merely reinforced those rights in writing within the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In fact, the need to put to writing those unalienable rights was such a moral affront to Alexander Hamilton, he vehemently opposed the drafting of such in the Bill of Rights, naively believing that all men already knew and understood such rights.

But in light of our shredded freedoms, this question has merit. Have the brave men and women all died with our founding fathers? When are our freedoms insignificant enough that we cease to fight for them? Shall we relinquish our protection to talk show hosts, newspaper journalists, and power hungry government officials who are no more true to freedom than Evil is to truth?

Shall we have a second revolution? Yes, but it must be a revolution of VIRTUE. Hate and evil will not win this war. Only bravery, truth, justice, diligence, and fairness will hold out victory over this kind of opposition. As such, the question now stands, are we even worthy of a revolution? Or shall we fight merely to hand over our government to yet another tyrant? Are there enough men and women of virtue in our nation to govern us justly? Or have they all hidden themselves away in apathy and ignorance?

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved. You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Your Title of Liberty

Our nation was not founded by the hearts of hateful, mean, or insulting men. Rather these men were brave, in love with their fellow men in the purest sense of the word and fearful of meeting with their God should they not comply with their conscience. While our nation did indeed come to a situation of all out war in order that our freedoms could be secured again and again, no machine of war would be strong enough to win were it not for the influence and support of the citizens it aimed to protect and the support of our God to direct. We, the citizens of this nation can only protect ourselves now and our future, as well as right the wrongs of the past, through by a concerted, conscious effort by making our voices heard by our government leaders. In doing so we are actually well armed with the fact that our Lord desires it. We actually have ideal “weapons” if you will do make our voices heard as well. We can play on the fact that our leaders A) either lust for power of which they will have none if they are not re-elected of B) truly do want our freedoms restored to our land. Either way our voices must be heard. Write letters. Send faxes. Keep abreast of the issues. Your freedom is truly as risk otherwise.

The Lord’s commandment to us concerning our responsibilities to preserve the government He caused to be established are just as binding as any other commandments of the gospel. It was necessary that the Lord establish a government of freedom before He could restore His Church to the earth and establish it in this land (3 Nephi 21: 4). Is it not just as critical now that we fight for the sustainment of freedom in this land that the gospel may remain in full force?

Consider your letters, blogs, emails, faxes, and proactive voices as your modern-day Title of Liberty. Who can read Alma, chapters 48 through 58 of the Book of Mormon and not be stirred with admiration for such a leader as Captain Moroni? But even more importantly, how can we not be stirred with the same desire to protect our lives, our liberties, our wives, our children and our freedoms when reading of how much Moroni sacrificed unflinchingly under such dire and antiquated circumstances. Surely this part of the scriptures was not preserved for us by the loss of many lives that we may simply sit back in admiration. Surely we are to apply the scriptures to our day and act accordingly? While we have all of the beautiful amenities of modern technology, let us not be lulled into apathy, compliance, and ignorance as the result of such blessings, Let us use them to wave our Title of Liberty tall and proud and EARN the blessings of this nation which He has afforded us. Are we simply waiting for someone else to heed the call, or to give the signal that now is the time? What if that is what Moroni had done?

Pray for knowledge. Pray for guidance. Pray to see the true state of our nation and our freedoms clearly, and then “go and do” as prompted by the Spirit. I am certain that as you are prompted, and as you heed to such promptings, that you will see and hear clearly and be provided with the strength to comply exactly as you have been endowed to do.

Copyright 2009 Kellene Bishop. All rights reserved. You are welcome to repost this information so long as it is credited to Kellene Bishop.